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时间:2023-12-06 16:00:01 | 作者:admin
        transportation | | transit | | conveyance
运送 to transport | | to carry | | to convey
运输业 transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade
运输代理人 a forwarding agent
承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier
船务代理人 a shipping agent
陆上运输 transportation by land
海上运输 transportation by sea
货物运输 goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods
货轮 cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier
火车 goods-train | | freight-train
卡车 goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck
货运办公室 goods-office | | freight-department
运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate
运费 carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges
车费 cartage | | portage
运费预付 carriage prepaid | | carriage paid
运费到付 carriage forward | | freight collect
运费免除||免费 carriage free
协定运费 conference freight | | freight rate
运费清单 freight account


本文地址:    货运用语大全(中英对照)http:/www.606212.com/a/25169.html
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    下一篇作文:    零担物流和快递有什么区别?


    1、本网站发布的文章《    货运用语大全(中英对照)》为物态网均来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,转载请注明出处!

    2、本网站文章《    货运用语大全(中英对照)》仅代表作者本人的观点,与本网站立场无关,作者文责自负。