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时间:2024-03-29 19:00:02 | 作者:admin
  Contract No,______(合同号)
  Place& Date: ________(签发地点、日期)
  The Sellers:__________ The Buyer:______________
  卖方 买方
  Address:_____________ Address:_______________
  详细地址 详细地址
  This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stipulated below:
  Name and Specification of Commodity 商品品名及规格 Quantity
  数量 Unit Price
  单价 Total Amount总值  来源:考试大
  (1)Terms of Payment:(付款条件)
  The Buyer shall open, through a bank accept by both parties, an irrevocable , transferable and divisible Letter of Credit, in favor of the Seller, payable at sight against first presentation of shipping documents to the Bank of__________. The covering L/C must reach the Seller before________ and remain valid in _____________ until the 15th days (inclusive) from the date of shipment.
  (2)Total Value of Contract:_________________(合同总值)
  To be affected by the Seller covering 110% of invoice value.
  (4)Shipping Marks:__________________(货物唛头)
  Each packing shall be stenciled conspicuously port of destination, packing number, gross and net weights, measurement and the shipping mark shown above.
  (5)Port of Shipment:____________(装运港)
  (6)Port of Destination:_______________(目的港)
  (7)times of Payment:________________(支付时间)
  (9)Shipping Documents:(装运文件)
  The Seller shall present the following documents after shipped.
  ① Full sets of clean on Board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked “Freight Prepaid”, notify applicant.
  ②signed commercial invoice in duplicate.
  ③detailed packing list specifying net weight, gross weight and measurement of each packing in metric system in duplicates required.
  ④insurance policy for not less than 10% over invoice value, blank endorsed, covering all risks as the People’s Insurance Company of China. Claims payable at destination in the currency of draft
  (10)Terms of Shipment :
  ①the carrying vessel shall be arranged by the seller, partial shipment and transshipment are allowed.
  ②after loading is completed, the Seller shall notify the Buyer by cable of the contract number, description of goods, quantity , name of carrying vessel and date of shipment.
  ③shipment must be effected not later than July 30, 2004
  (11)delayed delivery and penalty:
  Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this contract owing to causes other than force majeure as provided the buyer shall have the right to cancel that part if contract and claim against the Sellers penalty for delayed delivery counted up to the date of cancellation, or the sellers may with the buyer’s consent , postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the buyers.
  All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be amicably settled through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case under dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. The arbitration shall be executed in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the said commission and the decision made by the Arbitration Commission shall be accepted as final judge and binding upon both parties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.
  (13)other conditions:
  This contract is made out in Chinese and English, both versions being equally authentic.
  This contract is concluded in accordance with exchange of Buyers Faxes/Letters dates__________ and sellers ,dated
  The sellers (signature) The Buyers (signature)
  卖方(签名) 买方(签名)
本文地址:    合同的样式http:/www.606212.com/a/27738.html
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