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时间:2023-05-18 14:19:53 | 作者:admin
拒绝索偿要求 拒绝索偿要求 2001-8-15 20:21:39 20 May 2000 Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 15 May referring to the consignment of cotton goods sent to you per SS Ocean Emperor. We regret to note your complaint. We have investigated the matter thoroughly. As far as we can ascertain, the goods were in first class condition when they left here. The bill of lading is evidence for this. It is obvious that the damage you complain of must have taken place during transit. It follows, therefore, that we cannot be held responsible for the damage. We therefore advise you to make a claim on the shipping company, Emperor Line, who should be held responsible. We are grateful that you have brought the matter to our attention. If you wish, we would be happy to take issue with the shipping company on your behalf. We look forward to resolving this matter as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller ——————————————————————————– ――先生: 贵公司于五月十五日来信投诉经由海洋皇帝号装运的棉花出现问题,本公司非常遗憾。 经撤查,证实该批货物离埠时完好无缺,提货单可作证明。 相信损坏是发生于运送途中,因此本公司不能答应贵公司索偿。赔偿责任应由有关的船公司承担。 本公司感激贵公司知会本公司上述事宜,亦乐意代向船公司商讨赔偿问题。 盼望能尽早解决有关问题。 销售部主任 托尼.斯密思谨上 2000年5月20日 本文地址:拒绝索偿要求http:/www.606212.com/a/9487.html
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