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时间:2023-05-18 14:12:59 | 作者:admin
500TEU集装箱船 500TEU集装箱船 总长 ~123.35 m 垂线间长 112.00 m 型宽 20.80 m 形深 10.50 m 设计吃水 7.50 m 结构吃水 8.00 m 总吨 ~7600 载重量(设计吃水) ~8500 MT 船级 CCS 挂旗 方便旗 主机 5430kw * 500rpm 副机 520kw * 1000rpm, 50Hz/380v, 2 sets 应急发电机 90kw * 1500rpm, 50Hz/380v 轴带发电机 800kw, 50Hz/380v 航速 17.5kn 续航力 8000 Sea Mile 定员 22 Persons 燃油舱 ~520 cum 柴油舱 ~65 cum 淡水 ~230 cum 压载水 ~2500 cum 舱内集装箱 ~238 TEU 甲板集装箱 ~266 TEU 总集装箱数 504 TEU 冷冻箱插座 50 sets 艏侧推 550kw 概述 The vessel to be designed and constructed as a single screw (CPP), diesel engine drivedn, flat deck type container ship with a bulbous bow, a bow thruster, a transom stern and a semi-balanced streamline-shape rudder. The energy-saving technology–Inflow Compensative Nozzle etc. to be adopted. The vessel is all-welded steel-constructed, single-deck, double-side and double-bottom in cargo area. The vessel has machinery and all accommodations including navigation bridge located aft and also has a forecastle. The cargo area is divided into three cargo holds by two transverse watertight bulkheads. The engine control room to be located in E/R. The M/E can be remotely controled. Emergency control to be supplied in and by the Engine Control Room and the M/E. The E/R to be unmanned. 本文地址:500TEU集装箱船http:/www.606212.com/a/8690.html
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