时间:2024-04-02 16:00:02 | 作者:admin
小心搬运 Handle with care||With care
此端向上 his side up|| This end up
请勿用钩 Use no hoks||Do not use dog hooks||No hooks
不可滚转 Dont turn over
不可掉落 Dont drop||Not to be dropped
保持干燥 Keep dry QL4
不可横置 Keep flat||Stow level
保持直立 Stand on end||To be kept upright
易腐物品 Perishable goods
保持冷冻(不可近热)Stow in a cool place||Keep cool||Keep from heat||Stow coll
不可平放 Not to be laid flat||Never lay flat
不可抛掷 Not to be thrown down
不可重叠 Not to be packed under heavy cargo||Not to be stowed below another cargo
小心易碎 Fragile-with care
不可接近锅炉或机器 Away from boilers and engines
防止潮湿 Guard against damp
易流物品 Liauid 本文地址: 搬运注意事项(中英对照)http:/www.606212.com/a/27824.html