时间:2024-02-03 21:00:01 | 作者:admin
The cargoes were discharged at San Francisco.
"索菲亚&q uot;号货轮所装货物已全部装卸完毕并已入库存。该轮现在正进行必要的维修工作,特此通知。
I inform you that the cargo of the "Sophia" has been landed and warehoused here, and the vessel is undergoing the necessary repairs.
"阿德雷得"轮已于昨日安全抵达本港, 正值假日之前, 可以及时卸货, 特此奉告。
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Adelaide arrived here safely yesterday, just in time to get them discharged before holidays commence.
These goods will be unloaded in an hour 本文地址: 卸货转运实务操作常用语http:/www.606212.com/a/26553.html