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时间:2023-05-18 14:33:57 | 作者:admin
航运物流用语 1.Maritime shipping is an important link in international logistics service.   海洋运输是国际物流服务的重要环节。   2.There are two types of shipping markets: the liner market and the tramp market.   航运市场分为两类:班轮运输和不定期船运输。   3.A Container Load Plan is of five copies, each of which is to be given respectively to the terminal, the carrier, the shipping agent, the shipper and the party that stuffs the container.   集装箱装箱单一式五份,分别交给集装箱码头、承运人、船务代理、托运人和装箱人。   4.After the cargo is stuffed into a container, it is handed to the container yard (CY) to be loaded on board according to the stowage plan.   货物装箱后,就拖运到集装箱堆场并根据积载图装上船。   5.A container terminal connects sea and land, transferring containers to and from ships. It is capable of handling containers more quickly, economically, accurately and in greater volumes than conventional ports.   集装箱码头连接陆运和海运,经船上装运集装箱。在装卸搬运上,集装箱码头比普通杂货码头更快、更经济、更准确、吞吐量更大。 6.Information is a key to the success of logistics.   信息是物流成功的关键。   7.Warehousing is not a new business, but it has gained new functions in modern logistics.   仓储不是新的行业,但他在现代物流中有了新的功能。   8.Inventory control can effectively reduce logistics cost.   库存控制能有效地降低物流成本。   9.Packing and sorting are two activities in logistics.   包装和分拣是物流中的两项活动。   10.A supply chain is defined as a network composed of factories, suppliers, retailers and so on that supply each other with raw materials, components, products and service.   供应链的定义是一个互相提供原材料、配件、产成品和服务的由工厂、供应商、零售商等组成的网络 本文地址:航运物流用语http:/www.606212.com/a/10175.html
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